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지식재산권 뉴스

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지식재산권 뉴스

[특허법원 전속관할 위반 여부가 문제된 사건: 대법원 2024. 10. 31. 선고 2024다228906 판결]

특허권, 실용신안권, 디자인권, 상표권, 품종보호권(이하 ‘특허권 등의 지식재산권’)에 관한 민사본안사건은 전속관할 대상이다. 제1심은 서울중앙지방법원, 수원지방법원, 대전지방법원, 대구지방법원, 부산지방법원 및 광주지방법원의 전속관할로 하고 제2심은 특허법원의 전속관할로 한다. 특허권 등의 지식재산권에 관한 소의 관할에 대하여 별도의 규정을 둔 이유는, 통상적으로 특허권 등의 지식재산권에 관한 분쟁의 심리ㆍ판단에 전문적인 지식이나 관련 기술 등에 대한 이해가 필요하므로 전문 재판부에 사건을 집중시킴으로써 지식재산권의 적정한 보호에 이바지할 수 있기 때문이다. 지식재산권에 관한 민사본안사건의 전속관할에 관한 대법원 판결로서, 대법원 2023. 12. 28. 선고 2023다277260 판결(손해배상청구)은 소액사건을 포함하여 제1심을 지방법원단독판사가 심판한 경우에도 그 항소사건은 특허법원의 전속관할에 속함을 확인시켜 준 바 있다. 오늘 소개하는 대법원 2024. 10. 31. 선고 2024다228906 판결은 위약벌 청구의 소에 관한 것이다. 구체적으로, 원고와 피고 1 및 피고 2는 특허 관련 분쟁을 해결하기 위한 합의서를 작성하고, 진행 중인 등록무효심판청구 취하 또는 소취하 등을 하여 분쟁을 종결시켰다. 이후 원고는 피고들이 합의내용을 위반하였다고 주장하면서 본소로 피고들을 상대로 위약벌 지급을 청구하고, 피고 1은 원고가 합의내용을 위반하였다고 주장하면서 반소로 원고를 상대로 위약벌 지급을 청구하였다. 이에 대해 지방법원 단독판사가 제1심 판결을 선고하고, 지방법원 합의부가 제2심으로 심리하여 원심판결을 선고하였다. 이에 대해 대법원은 이 사건 본소와 반소의 심리 및 판단에 특허권 등의 지식재산권에 관한 전문적인 지식이나 기술에 대한 이해가 필요하므로 이 사건 본소와 반소는 특허권 등의 지식재산권에 관한 소에 해당하고 제2심은 특허법원의 전속관할에 속한다고 보았다. 이에 원심판결을 파기하고 특허법원으로 사건을 이송하였다. 특히 특허권 등의 지식재산권에 관한 전문적인 지식이나 기술에 대한 이해가 필요한지 여부에 대하여 대법원은 다음과 같이 판단하였다.    본소에 대하여, 피고들의 특정한 행위가 이 사건 합의서에서 금지하는 행위에 해당하는지 여부 등을 심리ㆍ판단할 필요가 있고, 이를 위해서는 이 사건 특허와                   관련한 등록무효심판, 심결취소소송, 권리범위 확인심판 등의 구체적인 내용과 결과, 이 사건 원고 신청기술과 원고의 특허발명 기술의 동일성 등을 종합적으로                 살펴보아야 한다.     반소에 대하여, 원고의 특정 행위가 이 사건 합의서에서 금지하는 행위에 해당하는지 여부 등을 심리ㆍ판단할 필요가 있고, 이를 위해서는 피고들의 특허발명                   기술의 구체적인 내용, 원고가 건설신기술 지정신청서에 피고들의 특허발명에 관한 허위사실을 기재하였는지 여부 등을 종합적으로 살펴보아야 한다.    본 대법원 판결은 분쟁의 실질에 비추어 특허권 등의 지식재산권에 관한 전문적인 지식이나 기술에 대한 이해가 필요하다면, 이러한 사건을 지식재산권에                         관한 민사본안 사건으로 보고 특허법원의 전속관할 대상으로 한다는 것을 분명히 하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다.  

지식재산권 뉴스

특허권이 무효로 되면 특허 실시 계약과 특허 실시금지 계약은 어떻게 되는가?

특허발명 실시금지 계약 체결 이후 해당 특허가 무효로 확정된 경우, 상기 계약을 둘러싼 법률 관계는 어떻게 될까? 특허권이 무효로 확정되는 경우 특허법에 의하여 그 특허권은 처음부터 없었던 것으로 본다. 그렇다면, 상대방이 해당 특허발명을 실시하였더라도 계약 위반도 없었던 것이 될까? 만약 상대방이 자신이 실시한 발명이 자유실시기술임을 입증할 수 있다면 실시금지 계약 위반이 아니게 되는 걸까? 우선 특허발명 실시계약 체결 이후 해당 특허가 무효로 확정된 때에 관한 대법원 판결들을 살펴보고, 이어서 앞서의 문제들에 대해 2024년 11월 20일에 선고된 최근 대법원 판결을 소개하겠다. 특허발명 실시계약 체결과 해당 특허의 무효(대법원 2014. 11. 13. 선고 2012다42666,42673 판결)    1.    특허발명 실시계약이 체결된 이후에 계약의 대상인 특허권이 무효로 확정된 경우 특허발명 실시계약은 계약 체결 시부터 무효로 되는가?    특허발명 실시계약이 체결된 이후에 계약 대상인 특허가 무효로 확정되면 특허권은 소정의 경우를 제외하고는 처음부터 없었던 것으로 간주된다. 그러나 특허발명 실시     계약의 목적이 된 특허발명의 실시가 불가능한 경우가 아닌 한, 그와 같은 특허를 대상으로 하여 체결된 특허발명 실시계약이 계약 체결 당시부터 원시적으로 이행불능     상태에 있었다고 볼 수는 없다. 특허무효가 확정되면 그때부터 특허발명 실시계약은 이행불능 상태에 빠지게 된다고 보아야 한다.     2.    특허권자가 실시권자로부터 이미 지급받은 특허실시료 중 특허발명 실시계약이 유효하게 존재하는 기간에 상응하는 부분을 부당이득으로 반환할 의무가 있는가?    특허발명 실시계약 체결 이후에 특허가 무효로 확정되었더라도 원칙적으로(특허발명 실시계약이 원시적으로 이행불능 상태에 있었다거나 그 밖에 특허발명 실시계약       자체에 별도의 무효사유가 없는 한) 특허권자가 특허발명 실시계약에 따라 실시권자로부터 이미 지급받은 특허실시료 중 특허발명 실시계약이 유효하게 존재하는 기간     에 상응하는 부분을 실시권자에게 부당이득으로 반환할 의무가 있다고 할 수 없다.    이 판결 이후에 나온 대법원 2019. 4. 25. 선고 2018다287362 판결은 같은 이유로, 특허발명 실시계약 체결 이후에 특허가 무효로 확정된 경우, 특허권자는 원칙적으로       특허발명 실시계약이 유효하게 존재하는 기간 동안의 특허실시료에 대한 지급을 청구할 수 있다고 하였다.    3.    특허발명 실시계약 체결 이후 계약 대상인 특허가 무효로 확정된 경우, 착오를 이유로 특허발명 실시계약을 취소할 수 있는가?    특허는 성질상 특허등록 이후에 무효로 될 가능성이 내재되어 있는 점을 감안하면, 특허발명 실시계약 체결 이후에 계약 대상인 특허의 무효가 확정되었더라도 특허의       유효성이 계약 체결의 동기로서 표시되었고 그것이 법률행위의 내용의 중요부분에 해당하     는 등의 사정이 없는 한, 착오를 이유로 특허발명 실시계약을 취소할 수는     없다. 특허발명 실시금지계약 체결과 해당 특허의 무효(대법원 2024. 11. 20. 선고 2024다270105 판결)    1.    특허발명 실시금지 계약이 해당 특허가 무효로 되면 상기 계약은 효력을 상실하는가?    특허권자와 계약상대방 사이에 특허권자의 허락 없는 특허발명 실시를 금지하는 내용의 계약(이하 ‘특허발명 실시금지계약’이라 함)이 체결된 이후에 그 특허가 무효로     확정되었다고 하더라도 특허발명 실시금지계약이 계약 체결 당시부터 원시적으로 이행불  능  상태에 있었다고 볼 수는 없고, 다만 그 특허가 무효로 확정된 때부터           특허발명 실시금지계약은 이행불능 상태에 빠지게 될 뿐이다. 따라서 특허발명 실시금지계약 자체에 별도의 무효사유가 없는 한 특허권자는 원칙적으로 위 계약에 따른     특허발명 실시금지의무가    유효하게 존재하는 기간 동안 특허발명을 실시한 계약상대방에 대하여 채무불이행에 따른 손해배상을 청구할 수 있다.    2.    특허발명 실시금지 계약 위반에 따른 손해배상청구에 대해 피고는 자신의 실시형태가 자유실시기술이라는 이유로 계약 위반이 아니라고 항변할 수 있는가?    계약상대방이 특허발명을 실시한 구체적인 형태가 그 기술분야에서 통상의 지식을 가진 사람이 공지기술로부터 쉽게 실시할 수 있는 이른바 자유실시기술에 해당한다       고 하더라도, 그러한 사정만으로 계약상대방이 특허권자와의 의사 합치에 따른 특허발명 실시   금지계약의 구속력에서 벗어나게 된다고 볼 수는 없다. 결론 특허발명 실시계약 및 실시금지계약에 대하여 대법원은 특허가 무효로 되더라도 이들 계약들이 계약 체결 시부터 무효로 되는 것은 아니라고 판단하였다.  따라서 특허발명 실시계약의 경우 특허무효가 확정 되기까지의 계약 기간에 대하여, 특허권자는 특허실시료 지급을 청구할 수 있고 해당 기간에 대해 이미 받은 특허실시료는 반환할 의무가 없다.  특허발명 불실시계약의 경우에는 특허무효가 확정 되기까지의 계약 기간 동안 특허발명을 실시한 상대방에 대하여 채무불이행에 따른 손해배상을 청구할 수 있고 상대방은 이러한 청구에 대하여 자유기술의 항변을 할 수도 없다.

지식재산권 뉴스

Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) now available between Korea and France

Following an MOU between the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and France’s National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) signed during the World Intellectual Property Organization General Assembly held in Geneva, Switzerland in July earlier this year, the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) program between Korea and France has become effective as of September 1, 2022.   From this date onwards, applicants may request KIPO to conduct preferential examination based on INPI work products provided the normal requirements are met, namely:   The KIPO application and the application forming the basis of the PPH request must have the same “earliest date” The INPI application must have one or more claims determined by INPI to be patentable/allowable The claims in the KIPO application must correspond (or be amended to correspond) sufficiently to the claim(s) determined by INPI to be patentable/allowable A request for examination must have been filed with KIPO by the applicant before, or together with, the PPH request There must be no first office action issued against the KIPO application at the time of filing the PPH request   According to KIPO’s 2021 statistics France ranked fifth in terms of the number of patent applications filed by foreign applicants in Korea, so this development should be welcomed by French applicants. (For reference Korea already has PPH agreements in place with the four preceding countries in the list, namely the US, Japan, China and Germany). Vice versa, Korean applicants — who rank fourth among INPI applicants from outside of Europe — will also be able to benefit from accelerated examination of their French applications based on KIPO work products.   By utilizing the PPH program, applicants can typically expect to receive a first office action from KIPO within 2-5 months of filing the request for preferential examination, instead of the typical 12-15 months for standard applications.   The agreement between KIPO and INPI is formally a three-year pilot program ending August 31, 2025, with the offices to decide whether and how to fully implement the program after the trial period based on evaluation of its results.   Written by Jonathan MASTERS

지식재산권 뉴스

한국지식재산( KIPO ) , 가상상품 상표 심사 가이드라인 발간

메타버스 개념의 급속한 인기, 가상 상거래의 발전, 가상 상품의 활성화된 거래 증가에 따라 관련 상표 출원의 급속히 증가하고 있습니다. 따라 특허청(KIPO) 은 최근 가상 상품의 상표 심사에 대한 새로운 지침을 발표했습니다. 해당지침은 2022년 7월 14일부터 적용되며, 적정 상품 명칭의 선택, 상품 간의 혼동/충돌에 대한 기준 및 심사의 일관성이라는 측면에서 그 의미가 있습니다.   1.    가상 상품의 적정 명칭   상품명 '가상상품' 자체는 그 뜻이 애매하며 또한 상품에 대상이 되는 범위가 너무 광범위하여 이를 보다 구체적 및 세분할 것이 요구됩니다. 이를 해결하기 위하여, 이전에는 "다운로드 가능한 이미지 파일(가상 의류)"과 "가상 의류(가상 상품)를 기록하는 컴퓨터 프로그램" 형식의 상품 명칭을 활용하여 상표 출원이 이루어 졌으나, 이는 가상상품이라기 보다는 컴퓨터 프로그램의 한 종류로만 인식되어 왔습니다. 그러나, 이제는 컴퓨터프로그램 보다는 상품 자체에 초점을 맞춘 "가상 의류", "가상 신발" 등과 같은 "가상 + 실제 상품" 과 같은 상품 명칭으로 상표 출원이 가능해졌습니다. 물론, 이들 가상상품 또한 컴퓨터프로그램이 분류되는 상품분류 제9류에 동일하게 분류되나, 구체적인 실물 상품명을 활용하여 출원할 수 있고, 이는 가상상품에 대한 권리보호 선택이 보다 구체적이고 다양해졌다는 것을 의미합니다.   2.    상품 간의 유사성 판정   1)    가상 상품 간의 관계 이전에는 모든 가상 상품이 컴퓨터프로그램으로만 인식되었기에 그 상품 유형에 관계없이 유사한 상품으로만 간주되었습니다. 이론상으로는 '가상 신발'과  '가상 자동차'가 전혀 다른 속성의 상품임에도 불구하고 유사상품으로 분류되었기에, 전혀 다른 분야에서 활동하는 상표권자들 사이에 잠재적인 분쟁이 발생할 여지가 있었습니다. 새로운 가이드라인의 발표에 따라 가상 상품간의 유사성 판단은 관련된 실제 상품의 속성에 따라 분류 및 비교되어야 합니다. 즉, “가상 신발”과 “가상 자동차”는 상품분류 제9류에 분류되나 “신발; 자동차”의 속성 차이로 인해 비유사한 상품으로 분류되며, “가상 바지”와 “가상 의류”는 “바지; 의류”의 속성 유사로 인하여 유사한 상품으로 분류됩니다.   2)    실제 상품과 가상 상품의 관계 새로운 가이드라인에 따르면, 가상 상품과 이와 관련된 실제 상품은 비유사한 상품으로 규정하고 있습니다. 즉, 제9류에 분류되는 “가상 자동차”와 제12류에 분류되는 “자동차”는 비유사한 상품으로 분류 및 판단됩니다. 따라서, 이전 실제 상품에 등록되어 있던 선등록상표가 가상 상품에 출원되는 후출원상표의 장애가 될 수 없다는 것을 의미합니다. 이는 가상 상품과 실제 상품은 사용 목적 및 판대 경로 등의 차이로 인하여 소비자에게 혼동을 야기시킬 가능성이 낮다는 판단에 따른 것입니다. 다만, 실제 상품에서 주지 또는 저명한 것으로 인식되는 상표가 존재하는 경우 가상 상품에서 선출된 상표라 하더라도 거절될 가능성이 있습니다. 다만, 주지성/저명성 또는 소비자 오인.혼동에 대한 판단의 문제는 여전히 논란의 여지가 될 것입니다.   3.    의견   메타버스의 출현으로 우리는 새로운 방식과 새로운 사고로 현실 세계를 이해하고 조작하고 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 전 세계가 메타버스에서 각 상품만의 식별표시를 구축하는데 많은 노력을 하고 있는 가운데, 기회와 도전이 가득한 메타버스를 마주하면서 우리가 할 수 있는 것은 충분한 관심을 갖고 사전에 상표 전략을 세밀하게 준비하는 것이 무엇보다 중요합니다. 그 전략은 상품분류 제9류의 가상 상품에 선출원하여 상표권을 선점하는 것으로 시작할 수 있습니다.     Written by Jonathan MASTERS and Alex Hyon CHO

지식재산권 뉴스

Easier restoration of IP rights

When patent, utility model, trademark and/or design rights (collectively “IP rights”) are invalidated or extinguished following a rights holder’s inability to meet a statutory deadline, in certain circumstances it is possible to “restore” the IP right to its pre-invalidation or pre-extinguishment state and continue prosecution. Comparing with other systems around the world, Korean IP laws have traditionally applied strict standards for the restoration of IP rights. However, recent revisions have relaxed these requirements, shifting the acceptable standard from “unavoidable reasons” to “justifiable reasons”. These changes came into effect from April 20, 2022. The previous “unavoidable reasons” were applicable only in very limited situations such as natural disasters or wars, while “justifiable reasons” are applicable in emergency situations where the applicant cannot undertake the necessary procedures, for example due to hospitalization for Covid-19. The detailed requirements for the restoration of IP rights are as follows: Substantive Requirements: There must be “justifiable reasons” for failing to comply with the relevant deadline in spite of all due care demanded by the circumstances having been taken. The key requirement, therefore, is to prove that “due care” was taken. The obligation to exercise due care must be considered in light of the situation as it stood before the missed deadline expired. “All due care” means all reasonable care, i.e., that which a reasonably competent patentee, applicant, or representative would employ in the relevant circumstances. Procedural Requirements: Under current IP laws, actions to restore IP rights must be filed within two months from the date on which the justifiable reasons for non-compliance with the original deadline cease to exist, and at the latest within one year of the original deadline. In order to achieve the restoration of IP rights, a petition for restoration of IP rights must be filed within the aforementioned periods together with a statement and evidence showing the “justifiable reasons”. The petition will be examined by the KIPO division handling the case in question. While it is certainly a positive development that the Korean IP office (KIPO) is being more lenient in its approach to IP rights restoration, with more varied causes not attributable to the rights holder being accepted as the justification for a missed deadline, the specific standards for the required statement and evidence have not been clearly stipulated and so there still remains some uncertainty about the practical implications. However, we expect that these standards will become established based on precedent in the weeks and months to come.     Written by Jonathan MASTERS

지식재산권 뉴스

Designs troubled by trademarks

To achieve registration a design must satisfy several prerequisite requirements, such as novelty and creativity. Novelty signifies that the design, before application, must not have been included in publications or catalogues, publicized through sales or exhibition, or exposed in any other manner such that somebody could identify it. Further, creativeness signifies that a person with ordinary skill in the art could not easily create a given design based on pre-existing internationally or domestically known designs, well-known shapes, patterns, or colors, or any combination thereof. Interplay between designs and trademarks However, even if the aforementioned requirements are satisfied, designs which are liable to create confusion over articles connected with another person’s business cannot be registered and shall be invalidated if granted. Typical examples include designs which use another person’s well-known trademarks, service marks, collective marks, or business emblems (including 3D trademarks). Here, a question arises as to whether a likelihood of confusion requires that there be similarity between the design article and the designated goods of the trademark. Likelihood of confusion Regarding the above question, the court recently answered that similarity between the design article and the designated goods of the trademark is not required in finding a likelihood of confusion. (Patent High Court, 2020heo6255, November 18, 2021) The registered design in question is shown as below and was for a “handbag accessory”. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3    (original 3D file)         (front view)      (Side view) This case examines whether or not the plaintiff’s registered design possesses the possibility of confusion with the defendant’s products related to the trademarks as below, and if so, whether the plaintiff’s registered design should be invalidated. Pre-existing Trademark 1  Pre-existing Trademark 2             (Classes 6,9,14,18,20,24)                  (Classes 14,25,26) Well-known or remarkably famous trademarks are protected, regardless of whether they are registered under the Trademark Act, by restricting the registration of any identical or similar marks. An application for the registration of a similar mark filed by a person other than the owner of such a well-known/famous trademark will be rejected; and, if registration is erroneously granted, the mark will be subject to invalidation. Registration of a similar mark may also be rejected even if the goods of the trademark application are not identical or similar to those of the well-known/famous trademark due to the possibility of misleading the consumers about the origin of the goods as well as anti-competitive practices. Given the global brand recognition of Chanel, whether or not the defendant’s pre-existing trademarks met the legal standards for being ‘famous’ was not in question. Rather, the key issue was with respect to whether or not the plaintiff’s registered design was likely to cause confusion over articles connected with the defendant’s business. The court ruled that there indeed was a possibility of confusion. The following outlines the court’s reasoning: The registered design is comprised of two overlapping circular rings similar to the English letter “O”, and is closed overall, while the pre-existing trademarks consist of two “C”s overlapping in different directions, with both sides open. The registered design shows five thin “O” shaped rings that are connected to form a single ring, while the pre-existing trademark is in the shape of a thick, black English letter “C”. The design differs from the trademark in that the two disk rings are combined in a ring shape to form a three-dimensional effect, while the trademark is flat and two-dimensional. A key similarity between the registered design in question and the pre-existing trademarks involves an intersection and overlapping of two characters featuring the same thickness while both converge at the same angle. The area that intersects and combines symmetrically is the dominant aesthetic feature of the trademarks and designs as well. Despite the above-mentioned differences therebetween, they are too minor to offset the overwhelming similarity in their dominant aesthetic features. Therefore, overall, the two are similar enough to reasonably conclude that it may create confusion over articles connected with the trademark owner’s business. It is important to note that plaintiff’s argument that “the designated products on which the design is to be applied differ in purpose and function from the defendant’s products, and are therefore unlikely to cause confusion”, was rejected by the court. According to the court, it is because as long as there is a possibility of confusion between the registered design and the articles connected with another person’s business, the products of the registered design and the products of the pre-existing trademark are not required to be the same or similar for the purposes of invalidating the registered design. However, there were two important additional factors that the court considered in reaching its decision. First, the product of the plaintiff, in this case a handbag, was comprised of zippers, straps, and materials that were used in the same or similar fashion to those of the defendants’ products. Second, the plaintiff’s design was separately applied for and registered as a trademark for the same design in class 18, which pertains to leather and leather imitation products, which includes handbags. Notes Well-known trademarks are legally protected under both the Trademark Act and the Design Protection Act. According to the Trademark Act, any trademark likely to cause confusion with the goods or business of another person that is remarkably recognized by consumers is ineligible for trademark registration. Similarly, the Design Protection Act states that the application of a design likely to cause confusion with an article associated with another person’s business may be rejected if it is found to be to identical or similar to a pre-existing trademark. Here, as long as there is a possibility of confusion over articles connected with another person’s business, the products of the design and the goods of the trademark are not required to be the same or similar for the purposes of rejecting a design application or invalidating a registered design. When considering filing a design application, it is important to do a similarity search not only for prior designs but also pre-existing trademarks which are well known or famous in the market.   Written by Ben Yuu (Managing Partner)

지식재산권 뉴스

Updates on Korean trademark law change during COVID-19 (in effect from August 2022)

As a new year has dawned in the midst of the pandemic, the National Assembly, Korea’s legislative branch, gave encouraging gifts to trademark owners by approving amendments to the Trademark Act. The amendments introduce features such as a partial rejection system, a re-examination system, and an expansion of the ways in which trademark holders can prove “use” of their registered trademarks. The revisions were promulgated in early February. The partial rejection and re-examination systems will take effect from February 4, 2023 (one year after promulgation), while the expanded scope of trademark use will take effect from August 4, 2022 (six months after promulgation). What is changing? (Partial Rejection System) Under the current system, where one or more designated goods/services under a trademark application have reasons to be refused, the entire application is doomed to the same fate. It’s an all or nothing game. The only way to save the application without an appeal process is to file an amendment to remove the problematic goods/services (i.e. giving them up entirely through deletion, or splitting off into a divisional application), inevitably at the expense of time and dollars. However, the amended Trademark Act will allow partial rejections of applications. Specifically, examiners may refuse some of the designated goods/services while granting registration of the application for the remaining specification. In cases where the applicant is content to forfeit the refused goods/services, no further action is required on their part to have the application registered for the remaining non-problematic goods/services. This is comparable to practices in other jurisdictions like the US, China, and EUIPO. Also, in line with the partial rejection system, applicants will be able to file an appeal with the IP Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB) with respect only to the refused goods/services (as a whole, or in part), as opposed to the entire specification of designated goods/services. For further convenience to the appellant, it will be possible to abandon certain goods/services while the appeal is pending with the IPTAB. (Re-examination system) Currently, once an application is finally rejected, the only recourse is to appeal to the IPTAB, no matter what the grounds of rejection are. This is the case even if the application was rejected for non-substantial reasons that can be cured simply by amending the mark or the designated goods/services. The revised Act introduces a re-examination system, where in such straightforward cases applicants may request re-examination and simultaneously file an amendment to cure the rejection grounds. Re-examination by examiners is faster, more convenient and less costly compared to an appeal. This gives applicants another option to choose upon deciding how to respond to an examiner’s final rejection. (Expanding types of trademark use) A trademark registration confers an exclusive right to the use of the registered trademark. Traditionally, trademark “use” has been premised on possession and transfer of ownership of physical products. By legal definition, the term “use” of a trademark means, inter alia, transferring or delivering goods or packages of goods on which trademarks are displayed. There have been discussions as to whether this definition is optimal or adequate for digital products. The amended Trademark Act addresses this issue by including the provision of trademarked goods via a telecommunications line (i.e. online provision) within the core definition of “use of a trademark”, in addition to exhibiting, importing, or exporting trademarked goods for the same purpose. Common examples of this type of use may include uploading or providing subscription services for trademarked computer programs, transmitting e-books and digital files, and providing apps, e-coupons or emoticons via app stores. What to expect? These changes are expected to aid applicants, especially individuals or small and medium sized enterprises who are often unfamiliar with trademark prosecution, in securing trademark rights while also saving time, money, and effort that previously had to be spent analyzing trademark examiners’ grounds for refusal. In addition, the expansion of the types of online trademark “use” reflects the growing increase in the number of digital transactions in the e-commerce market. The new Act will be welcome news for trademark owners, for example whether they need their own online use to be recognized as legitimate “use” to defend a non-use cancellation action, or when their trademarks have been used online by others without authorization and they wish to pursue a claim of infringement. Written by Ben Yuu (Managing Partner) & Samuel PARK (Legal Intern)

지식재산권 뉴스

Designs troubled by trademarks

To achieve registration a design must satisfy several prerequisite requirements, such as novelty and creativity. Novelty signifies that the design, before application, must not have been included in publications or catalogues, publicized through sales or exhibition, or exposed in any other manner such that somebody could identify it. Further, creativeness signifies that a person with ordinary skill in the art could not easily create a given design based on pre-existing internationally or domestically known designs, well-known shapes, patterns, or colors, or any combination thereof. Interplay between designs and trademarks However, even if the aforementioned requirements are satisfied, designs which are liable to create confusion over articles connected with another person’s business cannot be registered and shall be invalidated if granted. Typical examples include designs which use another person’s well-known trademarks, service marks, collective marks, or business emblems (including 3D trademarks). Here, a question arises as to whether a likelihood of confusion requires that there be similarity between the design article and the designated goods of the trademark. Likelihood of confusion Regarding the above question, the court recently answered that similarity between the design article and the designated goods of the trademark is not required in finding a likelihood of confusion. (Patent High Court, 2020heo6255, November 18, 2021) The registered design in question is shown as below and was for a “handbag accessory”. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 (original 3D file) (front view) (Side view) This case examines whether or not the plaintiff’s registered design possesses the possibility of confusion with the defendant’s products related to the trademarks as below, and if so, whether the plaintiff’s registered design should be invalidated. Pre-existing Trademark 1 Pre-existing Trademark 2 (Classes 6,9,14,18,20,24) (Classes 14,25,26) Well-known or remarkably famous trademarks are protected, regardless of whether they are registered under the Trademark Act, by restricting the registration of any identical or similar marks. An application for the registration of a similar mark filed by a person other than the owner of such a well-known/famous trademark will be rejected; and, if registration is erroneously granted, the mark will be subject to invalidation. Registration of a similar mark may also be rejected even if the goods of the trademark application are not identical or similar to those of the well-known/famous trademark due to the possibility of misleading the consumers about the origin of the goods as well as anti-competitive practices. Given the global brand recognition of Chanel, whether or not the defendant’s pre-existing trademarks met the legal standards for being ‘famous’ was not in question. Rather, the key issue was with respect to whether or not the plaintiff’s registered design was likely to cause confusion over articles connected with the defendant’s business. The court ruled that there indeed was a possibility of confusion. The following outlines the court’s reasoning: The registered design is comprised of two overlapping circular rings similar to the English letter “O”, and is closed overall, while the pre-existing trademarks consist of two “C”s overlapping in different directions, with both sides open. The registered design shows five thin “O” shaped rings that are connected to form a single ring, while the pre-existing trademark is in the shape of a thick, black English letter “C”. The design differs from the trademark in that the two disk rings are combined in a ring shape to form a three-dimensional effect, while the trademark is flat and two-dimensional. A key similarity between the registered design in question and the pre-existing trademarks involves an intersection and overlapping of two characters featuring the same thickness while both converge at the same angle. The area that intersects and combines symmetrically is the dominant aesthetic feature of the trademarks and designs as well. Despite the above-mentioned differences therebetween, they are too minor to offset the overwhelming similarity in their dominant aesthetic features. Therefore, overall, the two are similar enough to reasonably conclude that it may create confusion over articles connected with the trademark owner’s business. It is important to note that plaintiff’s argument that “the designated products on which the design is to be applied differ in purpose and function from the defendant’s products, and are therefore unlikely to cause confusion”, was rejected by the court. According to the court, it is because as long as there is a possibility of confusion between the registered design and the articles connected with another person’s business, the products of the registered design and the products of the pre-existing trademark are not required to be the same or similar for the purposes of invalidating the registered design. However, there were two important additional factors that the court considered in reaching its decision. First, the product of the plaintiff, in this case a handbag, was comprised of zippers, straps, and materials that were used in the same or similar fashion to those of the defendants’ products. Second, the plaintiff’s design was separately applied for and registered as a trademark for the same design in class 18, which pertains to leather and leather imitation products, which includes handbags. Notes Well-known trademarks are legally protected under both the Trademark Act and the Design Protection Act. According to the Trademark Act, any trademark likely to cause confusion with the goods or business of another person that is remarkably recognized by consumers is ineligible for trademark registration. Similarly, the Design Protection Act states that the application of a design likely to cause confusion with an article associated with another person’s business may be rejected if it is found to be to identical or similar to a pre-existing trademark. Here, as long as there is a possibility of confusion over articles connected with another person’s business, the products of the design and the goods of the trademark are not required to be the same or similar for the purposes of rejecting a design application or invalidating a registered design. When considering filing a design application, it is important to do a similarity search not only for prior designs but also pre-existing trademarks which are well known or famous in the market.   Written by Ben Yuu (Managing Partner)

지식재산권 뉴스

Revisions to Korean Patent Act in effect from April 2022

Introduction On September 29, 2021, a bill to revise the Korean Patent Act was passed at the National Assembly. The revisions were promulgated on October 19, 2021 and will go into effect from April 20, 2022. The Korean IP office (KIPO) announced that the purposes of the revisions are to help remedy applicant mistakes and expand opportunities to acquire IP rights. The revisions meaningful to foreign applicants include: 1) extending the period for requesting trial or re-examination in response to a final rejection; 2) enabling re-examination to be requested along with an amendment to the claims after allowance; 3) introducing a “split application” so that if an appeal from a final rejection is dismissed by the IP Trial & Appeal Board, the non-rejected subject matter can be split off from the rejected application; and 4) easing of the requirements for re-establishment of patent applications and patent rights on a reasonable basis in order to expand the remedies of patent applicants and patent holders. These will be discussed in turn below. 1. Extension of response period following final rejection In response to a final rejection, an applicant may request re-examination along with an amendment (for further consideration by the KIPO examiner), or instead may directly appeal to the IP Trial & Appeal Board (IPTAB) without making an amendment. Under the current provisions of the Patent Act, following a final rejection the applicant is given thirty days to respond. Within this thirty-day period, the applicant has to determine whether the rejection is reasonable and how to amend the claims. However, this is often not long enough to carry out the required work. The revised Patent Act will extend the response period from 30 days to 3 months. A maximum extension of sixty days will still be available per the current Patent Act. 2. Re-examination after allowance Under the revised Patent Act, it will be possible to request re-examination and amend the allowed claims even after receiving a Notice of Allowance. For example, any errors in the allowed claims may be corrected. Under the current Patent Act, some procedures do exist which enable an applicant or patentee to amend the allowed claims, for example a trial for correction. However, re-examination after allowance is more advantageous compared to other existing procedures in view of time and cost. The allowed scope of amendment in re-examination is limited to narrowing the claims by canceling a claim or adding a limitation to a claim, correcting a clerical error, or clarifying an ambiguous description. 3. Split applications Under the current Patent Act, for first final rejections, the easiest way to secure the unrejected or allowable claims is to request re-examination while canceling the rejected claims. If an applicant still wishes to pursue the rejected claims, then an applicant may file a divisional application with the canceled claims. For second final rejections, however, the applicant has to proceed with an appeal. If the appeal succeeds, it is possible to retain the subject matter in a single patent, which may be advantageous in terms of administration and management. However, if the appeal fails, the application is rejected as a whole. At this stage, it is not possible to file a divisional application, and there are no procedures to secure the unrejected claims. The revised Patent Act introduces a ‘split application’. A split application is a unique application that can be filed only when an appeal against a final rejection is dismissed. The subject matter that is not rejected in the final rejection can be claimed in a split application. Split applications may be filed within thirty days of receiving the trial decision. 4. Easing of requirements for re-establishment of rights The Patent Act provides for re-establishment of rights that have been invalidated, or deemed withdrawn or abandoned, due to a failure to observe a time limit set forth by law. These provisions are applied when the time limit was unable to be observed due to a cause “not attributable” to an applicant or patentee. For example, a breakdown of communication resulting from a natural disaster may be a cause deemed not attributable to the applicant. In this case, the applicant is given an opportunity to take action to re-establish their rights. The re-establishment actions should be taken within two months after the cause of the failure has terminated. However, under the current Patent Act, the requirements of acts deemed “not attributable to an applicant or patentee” are too strict, and have rarely been applied in practice. The revised Patent Act eases the requirement to “a justifiable cause.” For example, assume that an applicant has been hospitalized for a long time due to a serious disease. Under the current law, such hospitalization may be deemed attributable to the applicant, and so it is not possible to apply for re-establishment of rights based on this cause. In the KIPO press release regarding the revised Patent Act, hospitalization was exemplified as a justifiable cause.   Written by Jeong-seok LEE & Ji-woong KIM

지식재산권 뉴스

Internet links can lead to copyright infringement

Introduction On September 9, 2021 the Korean Supreme Court ruled on a copyright case, acknowledging that the defendant’s act of linking to an uploaded copyright video work from their site, without permission of the copyright holder, is an act of infringement (Case No. 2017do19025). The court previously denied infringement claims in relation to acts of linking to copyright material — what has changed? Facts of the Case The defendant had linked to videos (TV dramas, movies etc.) uploaded by unnamed persons to a video sharing site with overseas servers, knowing that when users clicked on the links, copyright  video works would be transmitted in infringement of the copyright owners’ right of public transmission. The defendant posted links to the copyright video works on the message board of a site operated by the defendant and from which they obtained advertising revenue. When users of the site clicked the links, they were moved to a loading screen, following which videos were transmitted. The Prosecution brought this suit against the defendant for facilitating the infringement of the transmission rights of unnamed persons for the purpose of obtaining profit. Relevant Law Article 18 of the Copyright Act prescribes that an author “shall have the right to transmit his/her work in public”. Here, public transmission means “transmitting works … by making such available to the public by wire or wireless means so that the public may receive them or have access to them”, as defined under Article 2-7 of the same Act. Article 32 of the Criminal Act prescribes that “[t]hose who aid and abet the commission of a crime by another person shall be punished as accessories”. Decision First instance and lower court decisions The earlier decisions found that links merely indicate the location or path to a copyright work, and as internet users can only access the relevant infringing content when they click the link and visit the web page which directly infringes copyright holders’ reproduction and transmission rights, the defendant’s actions did not facilitate the act of infringement itself. Further, as the defendant merely took advantage of the situation where transmission rights were already being infringed by another (unrelated) party, the defendant’s actions were not considered an act of aiding infringement. Supreme Court decision Per existing precedent, the Supreme Court decision stated that the act of providing a link to a copyright work does not per se correspond to “transmission” of the work, but rather a link is merely considered an instruction to request transmission of a work or to prepare such a request, or is simply a pathway linking to a work. However, the Supreme Court held that the defendant was fully aware of the criminal infringing activity, but nonetheless continued to post links to infringing works on their site and allow members of the public to easily access the infringing content, in the interest of obtaining profit. As this facilitated the crime by unnamed persons of providing infringing content for public use, it was judged that the crime of aiding in the infringement of transmission rights could be established. Take-aways Contrary to earlier Supreme Court precedent where the act of linking to a webpage containing infringing material did not constitute aiding in the infringement of transmission rights, the subject decision changes this position and clarifies that providing links can itself constitute an act of aiding the infringement of transmission rights. However, the Supreme Court held that aiding of infringement cannot be established if the person providing a link does not clearly recognize it leads to infringing content. In cases where there are not continuous efforts to post links to infringing content in the interest of profit — where there may not be an obvious relationship between the act of providing links and the criminal infringement activity — or in cases where there are considered to be overall reasonable grounds for posting such links, an act of aiding infringement cannot be established. The legal situation under earlier precedents provided insufficient protection for copyright holders as infringers could get away with posting links to infringing content. While the subject decision does still partially protect the freedom to post links, a threshold has been set for establishing the crime of aiding copyright infringement, thereby strengthening the protection of copyright holders’ rights.   Written by Jae-sang LIM

지식재산권 뉴스

Double Jeopardy II – Trial decisions to which double jeopardy applies

Introduction: Prohibition of double jeopardy (ne bis in idem) in Korea In accordance with the prohibition of double jeopardy, in Korea, once a patent trial decision on the merits is rendered and becomes final and conclusive, no person may demand a subsequent trial based on the same facts and evidence with the Intellectual Property Trial & Appeal Board (IPTAB). For more details, you may refer to my earlier article, “Timing of Double Jeopardy Judgement in Patent Trials”. Application of double jeopardy The prohibition of double jeopardy has the following pros and cons. Pros Cons Prevents conflicting trial decisions relating to the same matter. Prevents the burden of a respondent having to respond to the same case more than once. The IPTAB only need hear a case once, thus reducing the administrative burden placed on government institutions. The inherent interests of parties seeking a decision via trial could potentially be infringed. Taking an invalidation action as an example, if there are a number of parties who each have their own interests in seeking the invalidation of the same patent, each should have the freedom to bring an invalidation action, but this may not be possible. The pros described above can be generally understood as pertaining to the preservation of patent stability and promotion of judicial economy. While achieving these aims, the prohibition of double jeopardy applies only to cases where the facts and evidence are identical, so as to not infringe the inherent interests of any party wishing to have their case heard via trial. Such prohibition, however, does not apply to decisions to dismiss trial requests for being unlawful, meaning that other parties can still request a trial on the same grounds, regardless of the original dismissal decision. Recent precedent of the Supreme Court The prohibition of double jeopardy in relation to dismissal decisions was recently contested at the Supreme Court (Case 2021HU100777; 3 June 2021). In the earlier instance Patent Court trial, it was ruled that even if there is a decision to dismiss a trial request for being unlawful, as there is substantive judgement regarding lack of inventiveness when a trial is dismissed after judging the identity of evidence, the prohibition of double jeopardy should still be applied. However, faithful to the provisions stipulated in the Patent Act, the Supreme Court held that the prohibition of double jeopardy shall not apply to dismissal decisions, as such judgements could impact third parties’ rights to request a trial. As a result, it may be concluded that the prohibition of double jeopardy does not apply to any dismissal decisions, regardless of whether substantive judgement was carried out in reaching the decision.   Written by Young-min KIM

지식재산권 뉴스

Are free downloadable apps considered to be “goods” under trademark law?

Korean trademark law provides that if a registered trademark is not used properly in Korea for a three-year period following its registration, any third party may request cancellation of the mark. To avoid a trademark being cancelled due to non-use, there is no other way but to actually use the registered trademark in Korea. However, even in case the trademark is actually used in some way, this does not necessarily mean that the mark is considered as being used for the designated goods covered by the trademark registration. What are the “goods” here? This issue was recently considered by the Korean Patent Court (Case 2020Heo2901, November 26, 2020). Background The owner of the trademark this case pertains to provides an app-based matchmaking service. The trademark “ditto” was registered covering the Class 09 goods ‘downloadable computer software’. The app with the “ditto” trademark was launched in both the Apple Store and Google Play Store, available to anybody as a free download. The app is an online platform configured to allow users to create a profile based on their personal information (nickname, age, location, occupation, etc.) and an uploaded picture, with users able to view each other’s profiles within the app to express interest and exchange information. Many services are available free-of-charge, but viewing other users’ profiles or sending messages to other users is available only via in-app purchases. IPTAB Trial A trial to revoke the trademark registration was requested by a third party claiming that the mark had not been used in Korea on “the designated goods” for at least three years without justifiable grounds. What is the app then, if not a kind of goods? In this first instance trial, it was alleged that the app does not satisfy the requirements of trademark use because there are no independent transactions with exchange value in and of themselves (in other words, there is no transaction in the form of a product being sold to users in return for payment), and rather, the app is simply a product provided in the running of a matchmaking service. According to theory established by the Korean Supreme Court, the term “goods”, when in the context of a trademark used with a product, refers to an independent object of commerce with an exchange value that is capable of circulation in the commercial market. Goods which function as an advertising medium, which are distributed free-of-charge for the purposes of product advertising or sales promotion, and which are unlikely to be circulated in the commercial market, are not considered “goods” fulfilling the use requirements of a trademark. This line of argument was accepted by the IP Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB), who rendered a decision to cancel the trademark registration. Appeal Court Decision The trademark rights holder appealed the IPTAB decision to the Patent Court, which reversed the decision. In doing so, it was noted that while the app can be downloaded for free from the Apple Store and Google Play Store, the plaintiff obtains profits from consumers’ in-app purchases paid for while using the app. Accordingly, it was judged that the app is not merely incidental to the matchmaking service business, but is in fact an independent object of commerce with an exchange value and thus considered as “goods” for the purposes of trademark use. Take Aways It is well-established theory that goods in the context of trademark use are independent objects of commerce with exchange values. The definition does not cover goods functioning merely as an advertising medium typically distributed free-of-charge. However, even if free apps appear to be freebies offered without conditions, they may be considered to have an exchange value especially when they include a way for users to pay fees associated with the app, or if users are required to view advertisements — from which the trademark owner profits — at some point while using the app. In such case, the app is likely to be considered as commercial “goods”. As such, the Patent Court was not concerned simply with the fact that the app was free to download, but also considered the method of usage, ways in which transactions take place, as well as general commercial conditions etc., and further there was analysis of whether the trademark rights holder obtains profit from app-related fees paid by users.   Written by Ben YUU


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